Bryce Forbes

Age: 14
Location: Livingston, LA
Home Club: Madisonville baggers
ACL Player Since: ~2021

Recent Events

Date Event Finish Winnings
2023-08-05 2023 ACL World Championship Advanced/PDC Singles t-9th Overall $1000
2023-07-29 2023 ACL World Championship High School Doubles t-5th Place $50 with Jaydon Porter
2023-03-03 2023 ACL Open #9 Junior Singles 3rd Place $80

ACL Standings Finishes

Year Standings Rank
2023 Open 219

ACL Singles History

Overall Record: 220 – 114 (65.9%)
2022 2023 2024*
Open 14 – 10 16 – 12 30 – 22
State 5 – 4 5 – 4
Conference 5 – 2 2 – 2 18 – 7 25 – 11
Regional 7 – 9 63 – 30 55 – 19 125 – 58
Local 0 – 1 33 – 13 2 – 5 35 – 19
Totals 12 – 12 117 – 59 91 – 43

*2024 data is incomplete

Scoreholio Stats

Highest SPR (last 2 years): 79.43
Best Global Rank (last 2 years): 144

Recent SPR: 75.75
Recent Global Rank: 507
Recent PPR: 8.92
Total Games Played: 2409 (Wins: 1596 – 66%)

All Event Finishes by $

Date Event Finish Winnings
2023-08-05 2023 ACL World Championship Advanced/PDC Singles t-9th Overall $1000
2023-03-03 2023 ACL Open #9 Junior Singles 3rd Place $80
2023-07-29 2023 ACL World Championship High School Doubles t-5th Place $50 with Jaydon Porter